Some tips from My Journey on the KETO Diet
Robert R. Fragnito | Chief Operating Officer
We’ve all been there—you wake up one morning, you take a hard look in the mirror, and you utter that iconic phrase: “I need to lose some weight.” This was the case for me at the tail end of July when I realized I needed to lose some weight before my cousin’s wedding in Niagara Falls, Canada.
I was inspired by the great progress of a family member who lost over 52 pounds using the KETO diet. I heard so much about this diet, but it wasn’t until I discovered that SlimFast launched its KETO line that I ended up taking the challenge.
Give up carbs, are you crazy? Yes, you better believe it! It was very difficult give up pizza and pasta, but I had to see this thing through. My journey through the KETO diet yielded results and rather quickly. I lost over 28 pounds in the span of two months and steadily working towards achieving my goal.
I believe in the results of this diet and wanted to share some tips on how to have a successful KETO experience. These tips and tools may be helpful in making your decision to go on the KETO diet.
1. Pick a Plan
I found the SlimFast KETO plan worked very well for me. I recommend visiting their website to get an idea of how the SlimFast KETO plan works and if it is the right fit for you. This website offers an overview of the KETO product line and a great starter guide on how to navigate your first few weeks.
- Please review the material provided in the starter guide, it gives a concise explanation of what the KETO diet is and how it works.
- I don’t recommend buying the bars, they don’t taste very good.
- The vanilla shake is the best option available, I often enjoy using powdered peanut butter to add some additional protein and flavor to the shake. I haven’t tried the new cappuccino shake, but I’ve often added an espresso shot to the vanilla shake, and it has made both the vanilla and chocolate shakes very tasty.
- The Fat Bomb peanut butter cup is delicious and has received good reviews from KETO devotees. The caramel nut cluster is decent but does not compare to the peanut butter cup.
2. Do Your Research
You can find a lot of great resources on the KETO diet on YouTube, but I found the following clips from Daniel Ventura from PROMiXX are very easy to understand.
I want to stress that doing your research and consulting with your doctor are very important before starting the KETO diet. Please see this article from healthline for more information.
3. Is it KETO friendly?
This is a question you’ll be asking yourself a lot while you’re on the KETO diet. I found a great website that will help you determine quickly if the foods you’re eating are KETO friendly.
4. Get a KETO App
Tracking your food on the KETO diet is very critical. I’ve been using the Senza app to track all my food and progress throughout this diet. This app will give you the necessary nutritional data to determine if something is KETO friendly or not, and it will also help you determine if your carb intake is over the limit.
5. Final Thoughts
All diets require discipline and persistence, the KETO diet is no different. You will find that once you begin to change your habits, you will achieve success, and the quick results are a huge motivating factor. The KETO diet is working for me and is helping me transition into much healthier lifestyle. I hope these tools will help you be successful if you decide to go on the KETO diet.
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